
Music – my first love/ Muzica – prima mea iubire

I wonder sometimes if there were no music as naked and gimmick we feel, because beyond all other arts, the music is by for the one that conveys the most.

The power of music is that it’s directly adresses to the soul, music raise the level of enjoyment of us, and brings us closer to what cannot be expressed in words. Music is a living legend…she gives the essence of the universe…give the wings thinckings…life and joy of all the things.It is the hope of our hearts.

Music makes trigger different in us, special feelings and mooods, thoughts, desires, pleasures, and even memories, music animates souls…energize lives…hight hearts.

Now I have the opportunity to express feelings through music. Music is my first love…

Muzica – prima mea iubire

Ma intreb cateodata daca nu ar exista muzica cat de goi ne-am simti pentru ca dincolo de toate artele, muzica este de departe cea care transmite cel mai mult.

Puterea muzicii este ca se adreseaza direct sufletului, muzica ridica nivelul de bucurie din noi, ne aduce impreuna de ceea ce nu putem exprima in cuvinte. Muzica este o legenda vie, este esenta universului, da aripi gandurilor, viata si bucurie tuturor lucrurilor, este speranta inimilor noastre.

Muzica trezeste diferite sentimente in noi, sentimente speciale si stari, dorinte, placeri, chiar si amintiri, muzica animeaza sufletele, energizeaza vietile.

Acum am oportunitatea de a-mi exprima sentimentele prin muzica.Muzica este prima mea iubire.

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